Arizona  Drug Possession Lawyer

Criminal Defense and Drug Possession Attorney in Arizona   (480) 531-8178

Charged with a drug possession in Arizona can effect your personal, family, professional, and financial future.  In addition, Arizona hands out severe penalties for drug possession convictions.  Any drug possession charge is serious, and you need to seek immediate assistance from an attorney experienced in defending and representing Arizona residents facing drug possession charges.  Also, My AZ Criminal Defense Lawyers offer affordable legal services for Arizona drug possession charges:


  • Illegal possession of marijuana
  • Illegal possession of narcotics
  • Forged medical drug prescriptions
  • Illegal possession of a controlled substance (meth, cocaine, ecstasy)
  • Drug possession for distribution or sales
  • Illegal possession of prescribed medications

Additionally, our firm understands that each Arizona drug possession case is different, so we examine the evidence and give individual attention to every case.  We also have experience with many different situations and drug possession cases.

Lastly, we have extensive experience defending clients charged with illegal drug possession.  We closely examine the evidence in the prosecution’s possession and look for ways to exploit police and prosecution errors to our clients’ advantage.