I Got a DUI, Should I Let my License Get Suspended? Should I Fight It?

dui blog If you recently got a DUI, you are probably feeling overwhelmed by all of the fees and penalizations you are about to face. One of the most inconvenient repercussions is driver’s license suspension. Taking the bus or Light Rail may add extra time to your commute, assuming it is available to you. Not driving your car for months or years will also make it harder to remain discreet about your arrest.

Administrative Suspension. Before you even go to court for the criminal charges of your DUI, your license can be suspended by the MVD. This suspension will most likely start 15 days after your arrest. You can challenge the suspension in an administrative hearing, but losing that hearing can be costly. The 90 day suspension can be extended to a one year suspension, and you may be required to obtain SR-22 insurance. This is a high risk insurance that is more costly than typical car insurance.

You may want to retain an attorney if you consider these punishments to risky to go on your own.

Increasing Penalties

The more DUI offenses you get, and the higher your BAC is at the time of arrest, the longer license suspension you could be facing. If you refuse to submit to a breathalyzer, your license can be suspended for one year. For any subsequent refusals within a seven-year period, your license can be suspended for two years. Your license may also be revoked for higher level and subsequent offense DUIs.

If you are on the fence about retaining an attorney for your DUI, an important factor to consider is how much you enjoy the privilege of driving. If you drive for work, or live in an area without convenient public transportation, being able to drive is especially important. You will face further fines and consequences if you are caught driving with a suspended or revoked license. If you can’t live without driving, you will either need to represent yourself or hire an attorney. An attorney can help alleviate the stress of navigating our complicated legal system. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Our knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorneys can help strategize a plan for your case to achieve the best outcome possible.

Published On: May 5th, 2020Categories: Uncategorized