Phoenix Juvenile Crimes Lawyer

Top-Rated Legal Representation for Juvenile Crime Cases in Phoenix

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    Expert Juvenile Crime Attorneys With Flexible Financing Plans

    When your minor is arrested for a crime, you may have many thoughts and concerns swirling in your mind. Not least of those is how much an attorney is going to cost. There are the initial consultation fees, retainer fees, and hourly rates. However, at our criminal defense law firm, we prioritize our clients by providing flexible financing plans aimed at reducing the stress of costs and fees. Our goal is to make sure quality legal representation is available to all families. Having our knowledgeable lawyer on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your child’s case. In addition to flexible financing plans, we also offer a free consultation. During this consultation we will talk you through some options, assess the strength of your case, and inform you of all the costs involved. It is our goal to make you as aware as possible before entering such a challenging situation. Contact us today to get started and find out why we are the best law firm in the area!

    Common Types of Juvenile Offenses

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      Alcohol Crimes

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      Underage DUI

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      Drug Crimes

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      Sexual Offenses & Harrassment

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      Violent & Weapon Crimes

    Lawyer discussing juvenile crime charges in our Phoenix office

    Our Clients’ Testimonials

    5-Star Rated Juvenile Crimes Defense Law Firm

    I would like to express my gratitude to My AZ Criminal Defense Lawyers! They were incredibly professional, honest, and patient with my case. Working with them was easy, and they consistently kept me updated about my situation. Their legal staff is really committed to assisting people. Excellent legal service!


    Bryce Brown is exactly what you want in a criminal defense attorney. He is honest and compassionate.

    Great service! I was having a very tough time with my case, but the team of My AZ Criminal Defense Lawyers was very supportive throughout the entire legal process. They were very respectful and patiently answered all of my questions. In the end, we managed to succeed thanks to their professionalism and knowledge. I definitely recommend their legal services in Phoenix.


    Tailored Defense Strategies For Juvenile Crime Cases

    Defending Against False Accusations

    Being falsely accused can be a challenging and emotional experience and doesn’t guarantee you won’t be charged. However, there are strong defenses that can be built on false accusations. If you are in this circumstance, reach out to our lawyers for top-notch legal guidance, representation, and rights protection. We will work hard to find the necessary evidence to prove you are innocent and will work aggressively towards the truth.

    Strong defenses for underage individuals charged with criminal offenses in Phoenix
    Consultation with a criminal defense attorney about an alibi for a juvenile case

    Alibi Or Wrong Defendant

    After your child is accused of a crime, you may discover that they have an alibi and wonder how this will play into their case. With a skilled lawyer, you can be confident that having an alibi will allow for a solid defense, one that with the right evidence, can have your child acquitted and bring back peace in your home once again. Reach out to our law firm today and get started with a free consultation to see how we can help you and your child!

    Lack Of Intent To Commit A Crime

    There are many solid defenses that our team can employ when your child is accused of a crime. In some cases, minors get caught up in actions where they commit a crime they did not intend to. In these circumstances, our lawyers at My AZ Criminal Defense will work hard to prove the lack of intent in order to have your child’s punishments reduced or even have them acquitted. Don’t wait to get the help you need, reach out to us today.

    Juvenile defense lawyer developing lack of intent argument for minor's defense
    Juvenile defense attorney discussing coercion defense options with client

    Coercion Or Duress

    If your child was forced to commit a crime under threat of harm or powerful pressure they could not resist, you may have a defense option available. This defense can be especially helpful as the court realizes that juveniles have a greater chance of being influenced due to their age. If this defense is successful, charges and sentences can be reduced or, in some cases, the accusation could be dismissed altogether.

    Entrapment Defense

    Similarly to coercion or duress, the Arizona court sees juveniles as more vulnerable to entrapment and therefore may give more leniency in such cases. Entrapment happens when law enforcement or an authority figure induces or lures the minor into committing a crime. Our lawyers will work hard to find enough evidence to prove entrapment to make sure that your minor is not held responsible for the inappropriate use of authority of another.

    Juvenile defense attorney reviewing entrapment evidence with client in Phoenix
    Juvenile defense lawyer reviewing evidence of misconduct by law enforcement

    Exposing Police Misconduct

    Don’t let law enforcement get away with police misconduct. Whether the police used improper interrogation techniques, denied access to your child’s lawyer or guardian, or used intimidation during questioning, we can use this defense to push for a more positive outcome! Highlighting misconduct can ensure certain evidence is not used and can even have charges dropped, depending on the circumstances.

    Insufficient Evidence

    In many cases, there may not be enough evidence to prove that a crime occurred or that your child was the one who committed a crime. If this is the case, reach out to our lawyers right away! We will find the evidence necessary to build a strong defense. With a track record of success, you can trust that we will do everything in our power to protect the rights of your child and work towards a positive outcome.

    Attorney building juvenile defense on lack of evidence in Phoenix

    Juvenile Offense Penalties in Arizona

    Lawyer reviewing community service as a penalty for minors

    Community Service Requirements

    Arizona focuses on rehabilitation instead of punitive measures to protect the future of minors. However, in some cases, minors can be charged as adults. Ensure penalties such as community service by letting our lawyers fight for you minor.

    Attorney reviewing fines and financial penalties for juvenile case

    Fines & Financial Penalties

    Being convicted of a crime as a juvenile can come with significant financial penalties including hefty fines. Let our attorneys help negotiate a plea deal or use a defense strategy to reduce the amounts so your minor can focus on building a new future.

    Youth criminal lawyer helping reduce restitution for juvenile in Phoenix

    Restitution Or Reparation Payments

    If your minor is facing a criminal charge for their actions, they may also be facing restitution or reparation payments. If so, let our team help. By creating a strong defense and advocating for your minor’s rights, we will work to reduce the amount owed.

    Lawyer advising on juvenile diversion programs in Phoenix, AZ

    Participation in Diversion Programs

    Your minor may be required to participate in a diversion program as a penalty for his or her crime. This is often the case for juveniles in Arizona as the state wants to re-build a brighter future and teach life skills for the young people instead of punishing them.

    Juvenile defense lawyer discussing mandatory counseling sessions with client

    Mandatory Counseling Sessions

    Because many of the crimes are a consequence of mental health issues, substance abuse, and behavioral problems, your minor will be required to attend counseling sessions aimed at rehabilitating and providing tools for changed behavior.

    Phoenix criminal juvenile attorney handling probation terms for minor

    Intensive Probation Terms

    After being charged with a crime, minors can face intensive probation terms including regular reporting, curfews, community service, counseling or treatment, educational requirements, and more. Let our lawyers advocate for the right terms for your situation.

    Criminal juvenile attorney handling detention sentence cases

    Juvenile Detention Sentences

    One of the penalties for juvenile crimes is juvenile detention. Some individuals are not cut out for such a punishment and it could have serious psychological impacts. Arizona prioritizes rehabilitation over detention, but if your minor faces detention, we can help.

    Why Choose My AZ Criminal Defense Lawyers
    For Your Juvenile Crimes Case?

    Juvenile defense lawyer providing aggressive legal representation in Phoenix, AZ

    Aggressive Legal Defense & Thorough Evidence Review

    At My AZ Criminal Defense, our lawyers are committed to giving your minor’s case the time it deserves. We will take the time needed to understand every detail and build a solid and aggressive defense by thoroughly reviewing the evidence. From there, we will advocate for your minor’s rights and work towards a positive outcome.

    Attorney developing effective case strategies for positive results in Phoenix

    Effective Case Strategies For Favorable Results

    Our legal team takes great pride in the work we do, fighting for the rights and freedoms of individuals. Not only that, but we have a powerful track record of successes, giving you confidence that you chose the right lawyers to represent your minor’s case. Contact us today for a consultation and find out why we are the top rated law firm in the area.

    Experienced juvenile defense lawyer handling felony and misdemeanor cases

    Extensive Experience In Juvenile Felony & Misdemeanor Cases

    Experience legal representation from lawyers who have extensive experience in the juvenile court system. Whether your minor is facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, we have training, experience, and understanding of the legal system that ensures we will take every step towards securing the best outcome for your minor possible.

    Facing Juvenile Crime Charges? Contact Our Lawyers Today For Help!

    Map Showing Our Criminal Defense Law Firm In Arizona

    Juvenile Crimes Defense Law Firm Serving Throughout Phoenix

    FAQs About Juvenile Crime Defense

    Parents play a significant role in their child’s crime case, depending on the situation. In general, they will be taking responsibility for the financial aspects of the case. This could mean they are accountable for the damages caused by their child, or the fines, court costs, and restitution given to victims. Parents are required to attend the court cases and are often required to participate in and support their child’s rehabilitation. Whether it looks like attending family counseling, participating in parenting programs, or ensuring their child follows through with their community service or other mandated programs.
    Similar to adult cases, how long a juvenile crime case lasts will depend on the severity of the crime, and the caseload of the court at the time. In general, juvenile cases move through the system quickly. The goal is to rehabilitate to encourage a brighter future instead of solely punishing. Minor cases can be resolved within a few months, whereas more serious cases, such as assault, robbery, or drug-related crimes, can last from several months to a year. Some cases are serious enough to be tried as an adult, in which case, the process will be lengthened. It is important to have a criminal defense lawyer involved to make sure your minor is being tried fairly and to prevent an adult trial.
    When any individual has a criminal conviction on their record, there is a risk of serious impact to their lives. When it comes to juveniles, the record can impact a significant amount of their future as well. For instance, they may have a harder time getting into educational institutions or getting a job. They may find it difficult to find housing or other benefits where an application and criminal background check is needed. Not only that, but minors who are charged with a crime often have challenges reintegrating into society due to the stigma around criminal records. This can lead to mental health issues for the young person. Because of this and more, our lawyers will work hard to ensure your child’s rights are protected and they experience the best possible outcome in their case.
    Arizona does not allow for expungement in most cases, but they do allow juveniles to seal their record. In order to do this, the minor must complete their sentence, including all probation and parole requirements. In some cases, they must then wait two years before being eligible. Additionally, some crimes are not eligible, especially if they are more serious. Once you and your criminal defense lawyer have created a plan, your lawyer will start by filing a petition. From there, there will be a court hearing where your lawyer will present your case. If the court determines that you’re eligible, they will then grant the sealing.
    The factors that determine how a juvenile is sentenced include the age of the minor, the severity of the offense, and whether or not it was a first offense. However, the severity of the crime has the most impact on the sentence. Violent crimes get assigned more serious penalties, with the possibility of getting transferred to adult court. If the juvenile is younger, they will be treated with less severity. For older individuals, or minors with more understanding, the penalties will be harsher. Additionally, a prior juvenile record will cause the sentence to be more severe. These factors and more can influence how a minor is sentenced in the Arizona justice system.
    Yes they can! In fact, Arizona tends to put more of an emphasis on rehabilitation instead of punitive measures, which includes community service. However, whether or not jail time is required will depend on the severity of the offense and the risk of a re-offense. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can also advocate for community service instead of jail time and having a lawyer do so may help ensure it happens. Community service is an option for individuals who are at risk for harm in a detention center and it is a more positive way to contribute to society, learn skills, and understand the impact of their actions.

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